Genesis Project was founded in February 1997 in Banja Luka. From our foundation until today, we have implemented a large number of projects thanks to the support of numerous donors. We are located in Banja Luka, and thanks to the understanding of the mayor and members of the City Assembly of Banja Luka, from August 1, 2004, after eight years of active humanitarian work, we were granted the use of business premises (owned by the city). This significantly facilitated the implementation of humanitarian projects and opened up opportunities for the implementation of new activities. Thanks to our mobile service – interactive traveling theater, we are able to cover a geographically large area and a large number of potential users with the program. Today, most Genesis Project activities are focused equally on the territory of Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Dijana Pejić

Executive Director

Goran Radić

Project coordinator

Ljubiša Vasić

Project coordinator

Draško Stojčević

Project coordinator

Saša Šarić

Project coordinator

Sandra Nikolić

Dijana Miljatović

Financial Manager

Azra Talić


Filip Ličina

Social Media Manager


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Ministarstvo znanosti, prosvjete, kulture i športa Hercegbosanske županije
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