UPSHIFT team Gaming Club 1233 from Goražde is one of the winners of the 2 nd joint UPSHIFT workshop for Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, held in Šabac this year. In a very strong competition, Roni, Dino, and Amer, students of the Mixed High School “Enver Pozderović” stood out with their brilliant ideas and won a grant of 3,000 KM.
According to them, young people in Goražde often face problems that slow down their personal progress and hence their contribution to the local community. These problems include a lack of educational opportunities and space for education and dialogue among young people. Their solution was to organize a series of workshops to transfer their skills to their peers.
“Young people in Goražde are a key demographic group that will play a significant role in shaping the future of Goražde. Every local community needs active and engaged young people. The future lies with the young people; however, young people in Goražde often
encounter problems that delay their contribution to the city. These problems include a lack of educational opportunities and premises for education and dialogue among young people. We believe that the young people of our city have potential, but they are ‘asleep’, which is why a group of enthusiasts was needed to ‘awaken’ their peers. Our project aims to promote mutual learning among high school students and create a platform for exchanging ideas and organizing activities together,” said Roni Baker, a member of the Gaming Club 1233 team.
They implemented their idea by organizing a series of workshops for their peers. They conducted two programming workshops titled “My First Website”, a video editing workshop, a comics drawing workshop, and a very interesting workshop on 3D modeling and 3D printing.
After the workshops were held, all participants visited the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo.
They concluded their project with a Kahoot quiz on general knowledge and information gained from the workshops. The best quiz participants were rewarded with sweets, t-shirts, and certificates.
The UPSHIFT program originated in the UNICEF Office of Innovation and is implemented in 38 countries worldwide. UPSHIFT in Bosnia and Herzegovina is implemented by the Humanitarian Organization Genesis Project in collaboration with the Office UNICEF Bosnia and Herzegovina.